Just in case you missed it just before leaving London the master for my debut album I Think We Both Know was delivered into my eager little hands. Every time I’ve listened to it its taken me straight back to Rush House. Memories of all night vocal sessions, Willie working the Wurlitzer (and the lamp), Dan drumming his heart out in the stair well, Matt trying to sneak some interesting notes under the radar, Jesse taking great photos (and retrieving the ball from the prickle patch), sneaking in some FIFA06 between takes, wondering if the cops would bust in any second and tell us to shut up . . . after all I did just tell the landlady we were using the place to take some quiet time out to write music – not setup a band and make a record! Great memories. I’ll start sneaking some videos and pictures and stuff up from the sessions soon too.


I Think We Both Know will be released by weeksweeksweeks on April 13, 2009. Available from this site and all the normal digital music sites (iTunes, eMusic, Amazon, Napster etc). Yeehah!

2 thoughts on “Debut Album Official Release Date – April 13, 2009

  1. I saw u at NEW WINE if u can remember with my dad loving LITTLE LIGHT in the car on the cd. keep up the good work cheers Joe

    (ps) I was the one who bought the cd off u. remember

  2. Hi Joe – of course I remember you! Thanks for popping by to say hi and glad you are enjoying Little Light. I think I will be at New Wine again this year just for a night in each week. If it works out will be great to see you again.

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